Bastian Voice Institute

Dr. Bastian to Speak at 2013 Phonosurgery Symposium

Dr. Robert Bastian will be a keynote speaker next month at the 2013 Phonosurgery Symposium, presented by the National Center for Voice and Speech. The conference will be held on July 18-19, 2013, in Salt Lake City, Utah, and this year’s focus is “How Behavioral Treatment Can Enhance Surgical Outcomes.” Dr. Bastian will share an […]

BVI Now on Facebook!

Bastian Voice Institute now has its own page on Facebook. You can go here to find our page, see photos of our office, follow our updates, and “like” us.

BVI Now on Twitter!

Bastian Voice Institute is now on Twitter. Follow us at @bastianvoicedoc to receive selected excerpts from our growing set of encyclopedia entries, photos, and videos available at Laryngopedia, as well as alerts when we add new entries or multimedia. Our aim is to help more people with voice, swallowing, airway, and cough disorders to work […]

New Learning Center Content – Hypopharyngeal Stenosis

Persons with larynx or pharynx (voicebox or throat) cancer often undergo radiation therapy as part of their treatment regimen. An uncommon complication is stenosis (narrowing, scarring) of the entrance to the upper esophagus at the junction of throat and esophagus. We have added a short video clip example of this disorder on Laryngopedia. You can […]

New Learning Center Content — Glottic Sulcus

Photos and videos on glottic sulcus have recently been added to the learning center, now hosted by Laryngopedia. The encyclopedia article containing the recently added photos and video can be found here.

Teaching Activities–2011

January brought a trip to Minneapolis to speak before members of the Minnesota Otolaryngologic society meeting; April included sitting on a panel at the American Laryngological Association meeting in Chicago; May was Merida, Mexico for lectures and panel discussions for their national Otolaryngology meetings; June included an invitation to be keynote speaker at the annual Yale Andy Blitzer Voice Symposium, […]

BVI Represented at ASHA

The annual meeting of the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) was held in Philadelphia. Dr. Bastian presented to approximately 125 speech-language pathologists on the subject of spasmodic dysphonia (SD). His talk was intended as a comprehensive review, but included an emphasis on the vocal phenomenology of the disorder. For those interested in further information, we suggest […]

BVI Physicians Honored

At the Opening Ceremonies of the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery in Boston, on September 26, 2010, Dr. Brent Richardson was conferred the Honor Award, and Dr. Robert Bastian, the Distinguished Service Award.  These awards are earned in part based upon “points” earned for instructional courses taught, committee service, participation in panel discussions, and papers […]