Now accepting Laryngology Fellowships
3010 Highland Parkway, Suite 250, Downers Grove, IL 60515
Tel | 630.724.1100 Fax | 630.724.0084
We were pleased to host Dr. Rodel Velasquez from the Philippines...
Dr. Bastian presented a webinar on R-CPD to laryngologists at UoT...
Inability to burp is in the news!
“Welcome to the Bastian Voice Institute website. Here you can learn about our practice, our clinicians, the services we offer, how to make an appointment, and more. Please feel free to contact our office if we can be of further assistance to you.
You may also be interested in Dr. Bastian’s educational website, Laryngopedia, a multimedia encyclopedia of 2500+ images, videos and audio clips relating to the voice, swallowing, and airway. “
SNC is a chronic cough disorder that is thought to have a neurogenic cause.
Neurological disorder in which one or both vocal folds are paralyzed, causing a weak, breathy voice or difficulty breathing, respectively.
Stenosis (narrowing) of the airway can lead to noisy breathing, reduced exercise tolerance, etc.